I’m an end-user of the program, so I’m not too sure about the API-level. From what I can tell they are written in C, C++, Java or Javascript, according to this Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_(software). The program is very Quicktime friendly, if that helps.
Max (for short) is an amazing programming environment and has a huge user-base consisting of software designers, researchers and artists. There is actually alot of talk about the PS3Eye among them (http://cycling74.com/2009/10/26/making-connections-camera-data/).
There is a plugin (referred to as an “object” in the Max world) called Cyclops that is made specifically for the kind of Computer Vision projects you guys promote, but sadly it is only available on the Mac platform, and I don’t know if it supports the PS3Eye.
I’m just going to pick up a PS3Eye and try it out with Max.. I’ll let you know! 
Gabe Mastey
Tactual Systems Inc.