I am trying to combine CL-Eye with psmoveapi and UniMove. I can produce a valid psmoveapi binary that uses CL-Eye, and the CLEyeMulticam.dll. This can be confirmed with the included tools like test_capture_performance.exe (i get really amazing 187 fps out of my camera with your SDK!).
When i try to load the resulting dlls (libpsmoveapi.dll, libpsmoveapi_tracker.dll and CLEyeMulticam.dll) into Unity, it will not work at all, though. It claims it can’t load the libpsmoveapi_tracker.dll, but i know from previous encounters with that message, that it actually can’t load one of the dependencies of lipsmoveapi_tracker.dll - the message just does not reflect that.
I am pretty sure i could resolve this by linking CL-Eye statically instead of as a DLL. But the SDK - to my knownledge - only includes files for dynamic linking.
Is it possible to get a statically linkable version of CL-Eye?