Library Usage
Posted: 29 June 2010 12:28 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 31 ]
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i cant attach an exe..please ask alexP to share the old verision!

Posted: 29 June 2010 12:53 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 32 ]
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AlexP, do you have SDK hosted anywhere?

Gianluca, would you mind sending it to me via PM? I think you can attach it there. Thank you SO much, it’s really appreciated.

Posted: 03 August 2010 04:24 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 33 ]
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Hi, I would like to try the older SDK version as gianluca pointed as Im having the same unsatisfied link error.

How can I get it?

Thanks for all the work.

Edit: I got it from gianluca (thanks very much!) and it works fine.

Posted: 17 August 2010 02:34 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 34 ]
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I got exactly the same problem. CLEyeMulticam.dll error on Windows 7 x64.
If you export as an application the latest sdk (kind of) works.
Can anyone send me/host the old version of the sdk for me to try?

Posted: 25 August 2010 02:25 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 35 ]
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same error on windows 7 32bit with latest processing 1.2 latest java latest quicktime latest sdk and latest cleye driver
i still get the three path errors

(1) Could not find the CLEyeMulticam.dll
(2) Could not find the CLEyeMulticam.dll
(3) Could not find the CLEyeMulticam.dll (Custom Path)
Getting number of cameras UnsatisfiedLinkError: cl.eye.CLCamera.CLEyeGetCameraCount()I
Exception in thread “Animation Thread” java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: cl.eye.CLCamera.CLEyeGetCameraCount()I
  at cl.eye.CLCamera.CLEyeGetCameraCount(Native Method)
  at cl.eye.CLCamera.cameraCount(
  at CLEyeMulticamTest.setupCameras(
  at CLEyeMulticamTest.setup(
  at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(Unknown Source)
  at Source)

code in the pde that i changed

// If you see “UnsatisfiedLinkError” then target the library path otherwise leave it commented out.
  CLCamera.loadLibrary(“C://Program Files (x86)/Code Laboratories/CL-Eye Platform SDK/Bin/CLEyeMulticam.dll”);

all included sdk test apps work fine as does the cleye driver test so i know the camera works. it also streams fine in isadora on windows so for now im using isadora to track the camera input and pass data to processing but this is a flawed workaround due to speed.

any ideas

Posted: 25 August 2010 02:34 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 36 ]
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can i add that running it through xp on my old laptop equals success.

running processing 1.0.1 or the latest 1.2 build and winvdig 1.0.1 and latest cleye driver - havent used the sdk with the bundled processing library - just used teh standard processing video test and its worked. even the standard didnt work on windows 7 so its down to something to do with that.

Posted: 23 September 2010 12:30 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 37 ]
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anybody able to help with getting processing to work with ps3eye under win7 ?

Posted: 30 September 2010 12:15 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 38 ]
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using latest sdk and latest driver works for me on win7 32 bit.

I just use the old dll version of CLEyeMulticam.dll (64kb size) (i put the dll in c:/ and gave the absolute path in processing)

Posted: 01 October 2010 03:51 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 39 ]
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gianluca_fuse - 30 September 2010 12:15 AM

using latest sdk and latest driver works for me on win7 32 bit.

I just use the old dll version of CLEyeMulticam.dll (64kb size) (i put the dll in c:/ and gave the absolute path in processing)

whats the driver num for the ‘old’ version you are using. any chance of sending it to me ?

even if i explicitly reference the file to c:\ it doesnt work.

do you also have the winvdig 1.0.1 installed as used to be required for video to work under processing in windows xp…..

Posted: 01 October 2010 04:30 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 40 ]
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sent me a pm with your mail..i ll give you the link for the old version i already gave to other..

winvdig is not should be used only with the default capture() library..

what error does processing give to you?

Posted: 10 October 2010 08:28 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 41 ]
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Seems like liudr is having a problem with java/processing that i and others have for longtime. Still it does not work as you never found the problem yourself.
running java example (for me under windows7 64bit) we always get the error that the DLL file was not found. not even setting a custom path.

i still can’t use ps3 eyetoy with java for this problem that personally i can’t solve. i can’t find what it could be

Posted: 14 October 2010 07:20 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 42 ]
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murderv - 10 October 2010 08:28 AM

Seems like liudr is having a problem with java/processing that i and others have for longtime. Still it does not work as you never found the problem yourself.
running java example (for me under windows7 64bit) we always get the error that the DLL file was not found. not even setting a custom path.

i still can’t use ps3 eyetoy with java for this problem that personally i can’t solve. i can’t find what it could be

For the record: I have same problem on the same platform with the current SDK.

Posted: 14 October 2010 08:27 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 43 ]
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After looking further into this problem (I really need to get ps3 eye capture working!), I found that a more detailed message is

C:\Program Files (x86)\Code Laboratories\CL-Eye Platform SDK\Bin\CLEyeMulticam.dll: Invalid access to memory location

After some examination I found that the failure is NOT of the file non-existance or permission type. Some discussions point into direction of a bad dll. Dependency walker seems to confirm this (File Attached).

It would be nice to have some comment from Code Laboratories about this.


Image Attachments
Posted: 20 October 2010 12:01 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 44 ]
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I finally got the CLEyeMulticam to work with java (not sure how to do the same with processing).

The errors happen when i run my project in debug mode. The same problem remains. it can’t find the DLL file
Once i run it with CTRL+F11 (no debug mode) the project runs just fine!

Yes it is very weird for me, but i can’t really say why it works. I just found about it, and hope it works for you aswell and that we can find what the problem is.

Posted: 23 October 2010 07:16 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 45 ]
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murderv - 20 October 2010 12:01 PM

I finally got the CLEyeMulticam to work with java (not sure how to do the same with processing).

The errors happen when i run my project in debug mode. The same problem remains. it can’t find the DLL file
Once i run it with CTRL+F11 (no debug mode) the project runs just fine!

Yes it is very weird for me, but i can’t really say why it works. I just found about it, and hope it works for you aswell and that we can find what the problem is.

I have attached an older sdk, which contains a processing example stable on Windows 7 64 bit.

File Attachments  (File Size: 1300KB - Downloads: 1915)
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