Eye Platform 1.2 driver fails to load from Java VM (causing Processing to fail)
Posted: 13 June 2011 06:59 PM   [ Ignore ]
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Joined  2011-03-20

The latest CL Eye platform driver v1.2 doesn’t load properly from the Java VM.

In particular, the CLEyeMulticam.dll fails to load due to “missing dependencies” and generates an UnsatisifedLinkError.  However, this only occurs when you ask the Java VM for extra memory.  (This is very strange.)

That is,

java ... works okay
java -Xmx500M ... produces the error

This causes Processing, which asks for extra heap memory, to fail, which is the topic of a previous thread:

Older versions of the driver (notably do not have this problem.

Here’s my environment:
Windows 7 Ent x64 (Also happens in Windows XP Pro 32-bit)
Java 1.6 (jdk1.6.0_26)

The easiest way to replicate this error is to add a main method to CLCamera.java

public static void main(String[] args) {

This will run fine with no args to the VM, but crash with java -Xmx500M

I’ve attached an old version of the driver for people who are having this problem.  However, the older platform versions have bugs.

File Attachments
CL-Eye-Platform-SDK-  (File Size: 1300KB - Downloads: 701)

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