i’m very excited to use the ps eye with windows applications, but my results have been intermittent at best. currently, i’m trying to get the eye going on a macbook pro (not sure the rev, but i’d imagine it and/or its boot camp software are newer than those outlined in the article http://codelaboratories.com/research/view/macbook-rev.-f-audio-skipping-in-vista-analisys-and-solution-part-1).
i am experiencing terrible latency and the resultant choppiness or hanging of the camera stream. i was thrilled to read the article and immediately went to implement the suggested fix(es), only to discover that there is no kbdmgr program running on my machine. i don’t know what the landscape was like when the article was written, but now, there’s a single program occupying the cpu (at about the same load—1.5-2.5%) called “Bootcamp.exe”. i’m reticent to terminate the program to see how dpc latency is effected because the program has a very important-sounding name.
anyway, i was hoping someone was aware of this and that there’s a patch available similar to the kbdmgr patch, that will restore the camera’s operation to it’s full glory.
tangentially, i’m not sure why the dpc latency is having such a dramatic effect on the camera’s performance. i have used other (admittedly, much more expensive) high-speed cameras usb-only cameras on this and other machines and have never experienced this kind of failure of the video stream. are there other approaches to the frame-grabbing mechanism that could avoid this issue?