Will not work (Windows 8.1)
Posted: 05 April 2015 06:07 AM   [ Ignore ]
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Joined  2015-04-05


I have purchased CL Eye Driver and installed it but it will not work. The first time I installed it gave me an error reading “failed to detect hardware” I then re downloaded the driver and reinstalled it. This time the error did not pop up but when I open the eye test it says “No Camera Found” if I click on devices within the eye test window its show the PS3Eye as ticked.

I have checked device manager and it appear under other devices as unkown devices, USB Camera B4.04.27.1 and it is not showing up as described. (Pictures attached)

Things I have tried include -

Tried re-downloading the driver again
un-installing and reinstalling as Administrator and then opening the eye test as Administrator.
Disabled driver signature enforcement
Plugging in to different USB ports

All these have failed so far.

I am now requiring assistance so I can get this to work as I have ran out of ideas on how to troubleshoot it further.


P.S. The blue light on the PS3 Eye is on.

File Attachments
DM.pdf  (File Size: 44KB - Downloads: 1013)
NoCam.pdf  (File Size: 27KB - Downloads: 889)
Posted: 26 June 2015 07:11 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
New Member
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2015-06-26

I have the exact same issue, I paid my money in good faith, but this just doesn’t work.  I had a previous version for win7 which worked fine.  I recently upgraded my PC and it came with win8.1, which required me to upgrade my driver.  I came back to this site and paid for the upgrade but it doesn’t work.

Any suggestions to get this working? It would appear you’re not sure of how to fix it or have no inclination given the lack of response for the previous report of the issue, but happy to take $$ off people?


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