How to activate the Device (CL-Eye Platform Driver) / Get the credits?
Posted: 18 June 2010 09:40 AM   [ Ignore ]
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I’m sorry to say that I feel really dumb but it’s not explained anywhere here on site HOW to activate the CL-Eye Platform Driver or get the credits? I’m at CL-Eye Device Manager screen, logged in and I can see my PS3Eye attached but when I select activate the popup window tells me I have no enough credits and then takes my to your product page without a single word of explanation WHERE or HOW to get the credit. There is no even such option under CL-Eye Platform Driver, only for CL-Eye Platform Packs. Do I need to purchase packs to be able to activate / use just the driver?

Camera works fine in CL-Eye Test applicatoin but indeed it’s not visible by any other Windows application as it’s not “activated”. Don’t think it’s really important but I’m runing Windows XP SP3 and have the latest version of driver installed.

(Oh - and the text on the activation button in the CL-Eye Device Manager is misspelled as “Actiavate”.)

Posted: 18 June 2010 11:35 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
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Hey HEC,

Try reading the following “Activation Tutorial”

Please let us know if you run into any other issues.

Posted: 18 June 2010 11:59 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
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KrisM - 18 June 2010 11:35 AM

Hey HEC,

Try reading the following “Activation Tutorial”

Please let us know if you run into any other issues.

Hi KrisM,

thanks for a prompt reply. I’ve found out all that so far by myself but I still fail to see how to actually add the credit? I plan to use just the driver, not SDK.

Posted: 18 June 2010 12:17 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
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If you are using for non-commercial use there is no need to add credits. However if not the case you can and on the right you can purchase credits.

Posted: 18 June 2010 12:54 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]
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KrisM - 18 June 2010 12:17 PM

If you are using for non-commercial use there is no need to add credits. However if not the case you can and on the right you can purchase credits.

Yes this is just for a personal use (to use PS3Eye as webcam mainly on my home PC). The problem is that after installing the driver the only applications which can see the PS3Eye are CL-Eye Test and CL-Eye Device Manager - none of the “Supported” applications seems to be able to see / access it (Skype, Yahoo, MSN) so I was under impression that I need to activate the device first to make it “visible” to them. Just to clarify - should this work without activation?

Thank you for all your help.

Posted: 18 June 2010 02:10 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]
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No it should work with the listed applications, if you can please try and re-installing the drivers and re-plugging your camera device into different ports. Also a restart may be helpful. What OS are you running?

Posted: 18 June 2010 08:10 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]
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OK - thanks for confirming this. As stated in my original post I run Windows XP (Pro) SP3 with all the latest pathces installed and latest drivere from your site. I’ve already re-installed the driver and revooted teh whole PC several times as well. Can you please advice how excatly shoud be the PS3Eye visible in my Device list as I can’t see it under Imaging devices category however it’s present under CodeLabs Devices as PS3Eye Camera?

I’ll reistall driver one more time but apart of that I’m slowly running out of ideas what else to try. Will report back in a minute.


So Skype and MSN are working fine now as well as Camfrog. Yahoo still can’t see the PS3Eye. I’ll try to reinstall it and let you know in a moment.


I’ve reinstalled the Yahoo Messenger (the same latest version - and it still can’t see the Camera only the Audio input. As this os my “primary” Messenger application I’d like to get it to recognize the camera as well. Any other tips what to try?


Yahoo still not working - tried everything possible but to no avail. Also CyberLink ToyCam application is not seeing Camera as well.

Thank you for all your help.

Posted: 08 July 2010 08:51 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]
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My ps3 Eye doesnt work after installing both the Platform Driver and the Platform SDK. I have Windows 7 and I know I have followed everything correctly.  When I plug in my ps eye, it doesnt install properly and the CL Device Manager does not have the ps eye pop up to where you can activate it.

Posted: 21 September 2010 03:46 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]
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I have also had the same problems. I have installed the driver and currently downloading the sdk. from all the forums that i have read, it says that it should already be working. I only want this for msn and its being a pain.
plz help!

Posted: 14 October 2010 12:54 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]
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same problem as H.E.C   but I have windows7…  please help

Posted: 22 October 2010 03:08 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]
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i want to know if i can use my PS3Eye on TeamSpeak3. Can i?

Posted: 04 November 2010 06:26 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]
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H.E.C. - 18 June 2010 08:10 PM

So Skype and MSN are working fine now as well as Camfrog. Yahoo still can’t see the PS3Eye. I’ll try to reinstall it and let you know in a moment.

How did you manage to make MSN work? Mine recognizes the camera in the settings screen, but when I try and use it for anything - for example, creating an image - it’s just black. And if I set the audio to the Eye it just crashes. :/

Posted: 19 December 2010 05:27 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 12 ]
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I have this problem also, using Windows7 Ultimate, Everything including Yahoo worked after install, however in Yahoo the camera was running at less than 1fps…
After I rebooted, Yahoo told me the device was not plugged in, however your CL Eye Test still works fine.

Posted: 04 July 2011 08:14 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 13 ]
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I also have Windows 7….. I see camera pic in test but unable activate or get credit for device manager. I just wanted it for AIM. How do I get it to show up there?

Posted: 18 September 2012 12:51 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 14 ]
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Im wondering if anyone can activate the device with or without paying credits, because I cant activate either way. Please help me to activate the device.

Posted: 08 October 2012 12:27 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 15 ]
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Paid for the two cameras, but the money did not come in the private office.
How do I activate the camera?
In mail you do not answer.


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