I am trying to create a wrap of the sdk for blitzmax language. But I get a message of exception_access_violation.
I will write down the code. I am sure you will understand it cause blitzmax it’s very easy languege
Global CLEyeMulticam = LoadLibraryA("CLEyeMulticam")
Global CLEyeGetCameraCount:Int()"win32" = GetProcAddress(CLEyeMulticam , "CLEyeGetCameraCount")
Global CLEyeGetCameraUUID:Byte Ptr(camid:Int)"win32" = GetProcAddress(CLEyeMulticam , "CLEyeGetCameraUUID")
Print CLEyeGetCameraCount()
Print CLEyeGeCameraCount() works.
but I get the error exception_access_violation with CLEyeGetCameraUUID(1)
My camera it’s activated.
Please help.