Low quality of the image when compared to Macam on OSX?
Posted: 22 March 2012 10:00 AM   [ Ignore ]
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Joined  2012-03-22

Hi, I’ve been using the PS3Eye on my Mac (Snow Leopard) due to its amazing image quality. Sharpness, colors, that was the reason to purchase it.

Now, to use it in my Win 7 partition (Mac with Bootcamp) I installed your driver… and the image quality is really poor.
Blurry, washed. I even tried all possible settings on Options -> Video Capture Filter but still, a really bad image.

Am I doing something wrong or is simply so?

Please, see attached image for comparison. On the left, the CL-Eye Driver on PC. On the right, a screen capture I did on my Mac.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance

Image Attachments

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