CLEyeMulticam.dll 2 different version Problem
Posted: 23 June 2011 12:24 AM   [ Ignore ]
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I have some troubles.
I bought 4 platform packs.
after activating two cleye cam by the cl-eye device manager,
I excute CLEyeMulticamtest.exe at/CL-Eye platformSDK/Redist/ directory.
Then, It always fails to turn on the cams.

But when I excute CLEyeMulticamtest.exe at/CL-Eye platformSDK/Bin/ directory
it successly turns on the cams.
I guess CLEyeMulticam.dll is diffrent and has some problems.

CLEyeMulticam.dll(38.912k) in /bin/directory is only for 2 cams.
To use 4 cams,I have to excute CLEyeMulticam.dll(44.544k) in /Redist/directory.
So what can I do for it?
Pls. help me.

Posted: 23 June 2011 08:43 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
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I am so confused.
My Cl-eye Device Manager Activates 4 cams.  But in my account, they say “NOT ACTIVATED”.
When I run CLEyemulticamtest.exe “No ps3 cameras Detected” is the reply.

here is the screen shot.
what’s wrong?

File Attachments  (File Size: 100KB - Downloads: 735)
Posted: 23 June 2011 11:20 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
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hi AlexP!

I got some clue through below thread
How to capture from 2+ cameras with CL-Eye Platform Pack

I think something that happen those days occurred again.
Please check out SDK/Redist/CLEyeMulticam.dll carefully.
Hoping your fast Response.

Posted: 30 June 2011 01:17 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
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Joined  2011-06-13

I am also confused, could anybody to explain again?


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