Learned so far, chrome voice search fix, re-plugging on reboot fix..
Posted: 01 September 2013 07:43 AM   [ Ignore ]
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First I was having to unplug/plug after each reboot, I was using a usb extension cable, eliminating that fixed the problem, also it does not seem to like hubs and needs to be plugged into the comp directly.

More important, I got this mainly for the mic array to use with chrome voice search, which was a total fail. In both win 7x64 and win 8 even though the mic worked everywhere else including google voice it would not work with voice search. Ran through all the driver tricks etc with no luck, but I did find a work around using vb audio’s (donation ware) “virtual cable” http://vb-audio.pagesperso-orange.fr/Cable/

Pretty simple. install program no ui or anything after install, it just adds a new entry in your audio devices, go to recording devices and set the ps-eye to “listen” then select the virtual cable as destination. Then in chrome set the virtual cable as your mic and whalla working google voice search..


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