I’ve read around the forum, but I haven’t seen my issue. I’ve tried to install the driver with varying levels of success, but never 100% working. I’m now trying to start from scratch, but not even sure if I am because I have tried to install a few times…
I’ve seen conflicting instructions, so I’m not exactly sure what I need to be doing with XP 32 bit.
I have downloaded
I have the camera NOT plugged in. I run the installer.
I get a popup telling me I’m running XP and that I need to plug in the camera.
->AREA OF CONFUSION<- When I plug in the camera, the found new hardware runs-what are we supposed to do here? ignore it and complete the other install? Run the found new hardware install?
if I ignore the wizard and continue with the Code Labs install, the installation gets about 90% done and gets to the wdreg.exe file and then hangs. It never progresses past that point.
So what do I need to do here