Hey everyone,
For a project we’re using 2 PS3 eyes combined with CCV from NUI group. We got a new computer for that project and after installing the latest drivers I could connect my PS3 Eyes and see they got recognized and with the live viewer I could look at them but CCV could only use/detect one. After a reboot I could still only detect one.
So I bought the multicam SDK, installed that and CCV recognized both PS3 eyes and it works perfectly BUT this caused a major problem. Every time the computer reboots it does not recognize the PS3 eyes but it says in the device manager:
Unknown USB device (Device Desciptor Request Failed)
Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)
A request for the USB device descriptor failed.
To fix this I have to physically unplug and re-plug the PS3Eye USB cables. Then it recognizes them and it all works again. But this is unacceptable because the final product will be an build in system and you can’t just plug something in and out. If I Uninstall the SDK manager the problem stays and I can’t get it to recognize the PS3 Eyes at boot.
How can I fix this?
Computer we use:
- I7 4670k, 8GB ram, 250GB ssd, Windows 10
- CL-Eye and SDK version