I have a similiar problem.
It works fine in normal test mode. But if i want to capture a video it completely “lags”. It only shoots very few fps (i think). Because when playing the captured video it looks like it is played “fast-forward”.
I think the problem could be the framerate. Why is it possible to enter nearly any value? Where can i set the video size?
I have the latest version (v.5.3). In the support threads i only found old versions, in which there was a drop-down menu to choose video size and frame rate (in combination). I tried to get “advanced” mode with a config file, but i don’t know if this information is already out-dated in the latest software version.
btw.: great work! If i really get the cam working as i need to, i think i will buy the multicam version. I want to set up a sport motion capturing system and need as many FPS as possible 
ok its working with kinovea