CL-Eye Driver Released
Posted: 24 March 2010 01:56 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 16 ]
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Please can you tell me how i can enable"Advanced mode” because i don’t see cleye.config file.

I work with 4 cameras and i can’t have more than 30 fps without freezing.

I installed the last release of the driver.

Posted: 30 April 2010 09:18 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 17 ]
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the cleye.config is only used by the DirectShow component. It does not affect the multicam mode of use. What are the specs of your machine? What is the OS and SP?

Posted: 03 May 2010 10:52 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 18 ]
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I use multicam API.
The specs of my machine:
Intel Xeon (R) CPU E405 @2.0Ghz
RAM: 4 Gb
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits

Is this sufficient ?

Posted: 03 May 2010 04:31 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 19 ]
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Please download and install the latest driver. The camera capture stability issues have been addressed.
If you are using the multicam SDK, the issue will be addressed in the upcoming release.

Posted: 03 May 2010 08:01 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 20 ]
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I downloaded and installed the latest driver CL-Eye-Driver- Two of the four cameras are freezing (always the same) at 60 fps.
I am waiting for the next release.
Thanks AlexP

Posted: 03 May 2010 08:36 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 21 ]
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As I said earlier, this fix is for DirectShow only and not for multicam. The SDK update is coming next.

Posted: 01 November 2010 02:16 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 22 ]
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is there going to be a x64 version soon ? because my x64 applications cant use the camera and i need them to.

Posted: 08 November 2010 04:24 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 23 ]
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Help! When I run CL Eye test, skype, debut capture, or anything else and try to access the camera…a error message comes up and closes the programs…something with the exception.

Posted: 27 November 2010 09:10 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 24 ]
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I am a bit confused.  I use this with CCV, and use a PS3 Camera, a few questions
1. According to this, the last versions of this driver was limiting the frame rate to 30 fps by default? So even when i was changing the config.xml file in CCV to 60 for FPS it wouldnt have done anything unless i changed the cleye.config?

Btw, just looking, maybe this no longer needs to be done, is this correct, this seems to be the older version number, i just saw the thread being one of the first so i thought it was the latest version, i am guessing the newer versions dont require this.

2. I was under the impression that PS3 cannot perform well beyond 60FPS but here i see it goes to 75 FPS, is 75 FPS stable?

Posted: 02 December 2010 07:55 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 25 ]
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I am having some trouble here. The installation worked like a dream at first and then not too long ago my system just stopped reading the camera telling me that there is no camera detected. this is a screen shot of what it looks like. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software with no effect and unplugged and plugged in the webcam with the same result. please help.

File Attachments
untitled2.pdf  (File Size: 91KB - Downloads: 1076)
Posted: 13 February 2011 11:20 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 26 ]
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Hi, I’m desperately looking for a “non restricted” driver that automatically gives me all “advanced” modes without the config xml… but it seems that all older version have been removed.
Any chance to find one without compiling something on my own using the cl sdk?

Posted: 11 September 2011 06:18 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 27 ]
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I have the same problem of “gianluca_fuse” but my camera says: Cannot create audio capture filter, and I’ve already the new version. What sould I do to my camera start working?

Posted: 01 October 2011 09:26 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 28 ]
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Also having the Xp problem. im on service pack 3 and it will not find the ps3 eye. im on the newest version. this just happened when i updated skype.

Posted: 11 December 2011 08:23 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 29 ]
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Im having trouble downloading it, it gets half way then says “download timed out”

Is any1 else having this problem? and how can i fix this?

And i know its not my computer that is the problem because i download many things a day and never have had any problems

Posted: 17 March 2012 12:33 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 30 ]
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Hi all, please help!
I can not adjust the camera to 60fps @ 640x480
Maximum running 60fps @ 320x240
I tried the options : cleye.config,  app_settings.
Installed:  CCV1.5 Multicam,  windows7x64,  driver
Can there are more options for the full expansion?

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