Hi. I tried to determine, what real fps I can get from PS3Eye, so I wrote this app:
const int framesMultiplier = 5;
void capture(int camIndex, int freq, CLEyeCameraResolution res) {
GUID cameraGUID = CLEyeGetCameraUUID(camIndex);
CHAR windowName[256]; strcpy_s(windowName, "Capture Window");
int w, h, frame = 0;
unsigned __int64 start = 0, end = 0, QPF = 0;
float time = 0, realFPS = 0;
IplImage *pCapImage;
CLEyeCameraInstance cam = CLEyeCreateCamera(cameraGUID, CLEYE_COLOR_RAW, res, freq);
CLEyeCameraGetFrameDimensions(cam, w, h);
pCapImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w, h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4);
PBYTE pCapBuffer; cvGetImageRawData(pCapImage, &pCapBuffer;);
while(frame != freq*framesMultiplier) {
CLEyeCameraGetFrame(cam, pCapBuffer, 2000);
cvShowImage(windowName, pCapImage);
if (cvWaitKey(10) == 0x1b) {break;}
QueryPerformanceFrequency((PLARGE_INTEGER) &QPF;);
time = (float)(end-start)/(float)QPF;
realFPS = (freq*framesMultiplier)/time;
cout << "Time for test: " << time << endl;
cout << "FPS: " << realFPS << endl;
cam = NULL;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
for (int i = 0; i < CLEyeGetCameraCount(); i++) {
capture(i, 75, CLEYE_VGA);
return 0;
Then I start app with different freq and res. Thing I don’t really get is that I receive a maximum 63,5 FPS on both VGA and QVGA resolution. This means it’is not a USB bandwidth problem. PS3Eye don’t support higher FPS or it’s driver trouble, or it’s a my app trouble?
App shows FPS correctly, if I choose freq (15, 30, 50) for VGA:
15 Hz VGA: Time for test: 5.03177 FPS: 14.9053
30 Hz VGA: Time for test: 5.04248 FPS: 29.7472
40 Hz VGA: Time for test: 6.03324 FPS: 33.1497
50 Hz VGA: Time for test: 5.03597 FPS: 49.6429
60 Hz VGA: Time for test: 5.18322 FPS: 57.8791
75 Hz VGA: Time for test: 5.9171 FPS: 63.3756
On 40, 60 and 75 Hz frames are loses.
Then I change main cycle like this:
for (int i = 30; i < 100; i++) {
cout << "Set frequency to " << i << " hz:" << endl;
capture(0, i, CLEYE_VGA);
Result was weird (not all results are shown):
Set frequency to 33 hz: Time for test: 2.02071 FPS: 32.6618
Set frequency to 34 hz: Time for test: 2.07368 FPS: 32.7919
Set frequency to 35 hz: Time for test: 2.1341 FPS: 32.8007
Set frequency to 36 hz: Time for test: 1.96116 FPS: 36.713
Set frequency to 39 hz: Time for test: 2.3781 FPS: 32.7994
Set frequency to 40 hz: Time for test: 2.43241 FPS: 32.8893
Set frequency to 44 hz: Time for test: 1.99173 FPS: 44.1826
Set frequency to 47 hz: Time for test: 2.12689 FPS: 44.1959
Set frequency to 48 hz: Time for test: 1.95644 FPS: 49.0686
Set frequency to 55 hz: Time for test: 2.05889 FPS: 53.4269
Set frequency to 56 hz: Time for test: 2.02461 FPS: 55.3194
Set frequency to 60 hz: Time for test: 2.08597 FPS: 57.5273
Set frequency to 70 hz: Time for test: 2.58228 FPS: 54.2157
Set frequency to 71 hz: Time for test: 2.25962 FPS: 62.8425
... From 72 to 99 Hz ~ 63 FPS
There are a loses on QVGA resolution on 33, 38-39, 46, 55 and other frequencies and also on 75, 100 and 125 Hz real FPS is ~63
In the end, I’ve try FRAPS to confirm this result, and it was exactly the same (only in integer values, not float).