Integrating CLEye library with QT
Posted: 24 February 2011 09:41 PM   [ Ignore ]
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Joined  2011-02-20

Hi Forum,
I have tried a lot on this issue in the past few days and got some results
first of all I’m using QT Creator 2.0 based on QT 4.7

I downloaded the CLEye Platform SDK and added the .lib file to .pro in my QT Project,
Remember there is no need to the “-L” command.
(I created to folders in my project working directory calles “libs” and “includes” and put the .lib and .h file in them)
so I added the following two lines to my .pro file

LIBS += $$PWD/libs/CLEyeMulticam.lib 
+= $$PWD/includes

then I followed the sample file “CLEyeLatency.cpp” in CLEye SDK and created my main.cpp fole in QT like the file in Attachment.
The program starts and The camera begins working but very very very slowlyyyyy!!
It takes each frame about 2 seconds (I think it is some how related to default value of “waitTimeout” in CLEyeCameraGetFrame function) to be captured!!!

I ran the same program and it was perfect and all the FPS were working fine but in QT I don’t know where I am wrong…

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Posted: 28 February 2011 03:45 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  585
Joined  2009-09-17

The CLEyeCameraGetFrame function does not return until the frame is captured or until the specified timeout expires. The default value is 2000ms. The latency example is not the best to start with because it contains the code that scans the captured image for the LED light and only then it displays the image. So you probably should take this code out or start with the simpler example included in the SDK.

Posted: 28 February 2011 09:11 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
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Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-02-20

The Problem is not there at all.
I fixed it with the help of one of this forum members Torin.

The problem is with the library provided, It works very slowly with other compilers such as MinGW.
I used libcleyemulticam.a and also modified .h file as they are attached.
The problem is now fixed and camera works perfect.

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