I´ve got some trouble to get the PS3Eye running on my Bootcamp Installation on a MacBook Pro 7.2 13,3” 2,4Ghz with 8GB´s of RAM ( Win7 x64 Professional) With my MacOSX Installation it is running fine. But sadly I need to develop a litte XNA in C# and to switch to Mono is not really an option.
So to desribe the Capture error I´ve got.
While running the CL-Eye Test I retrieve some errors, similar to the issues if the camera is not grounded properly, to check this issue I´ve tried to use the cam directly on the usb ports and also connected to an usb hub with the very same effect.
This screenshot will describe it the best way I think.
The acutal image starts shifting horizontally and vertically for some seconds, after a while the image remains stable but not correctly drawn in the window.
I could prevent this error when in turn down the cams resolution to 320x240 px and 15fps or 30fps. But by switching back to an 640x480 resolution this error is reproduceable. Resizeing of the capture window doesn´t have an effect on the image captured and this error.
I´ve already tried to deinstall additional Cam Drivers even the Built-In ISight driver and to reinstall the driver with no success. So far.
Could the DirectX SDK June 2010 have an effect on the CL Eye Driver ?
Next step is to check for distracting DirectX Filters… but I really got no clue about it.