~~~~~~ Nov 7 ~~~~~~
If you remember my PS3 Eye on Windows post then you’ll really like this one:
Under the hood, the Kinect device hosts some pretty amazing hardware. For starters, the Kinect’s depth sensor is stunning. A quality depth sensing camera like this would ordinarily cost a couple orders of magnitude more than the Kinect device itself. For only ~$150, Kinect makes RGB-D type of sensing accessible to anyone. The potential uses are numerous including HCI, robotics, educational use, surveillance, motion capture, people/object tracking, 3D scanning, etc.
Having all this in mind, as a research project, I took a weekend challenge of getting this awesome new Xbox device to work on Windows 7.
Here are the first tests of controlling the Kinect NUI Motor and reading the built in real-time accelerometer data on a PC.
The outlook looks good for other sensors on the device (i.e. cameras and microphones).
~~~~~~ Nov 8 ~~~~~~
As promised here are some more tests that reveal the Kinect NUI Camera action (Color & Depth Sensors).
Both Color and Depth cameras running @ 640x480. As you can see Kinect runs quite good on Window 7.
Hopefully, soon we’ll have multiple Kinect devices going like: http://nuigc.com/clmulticam
~~~~~~ Nov 9 ~~~~~~
Color and 3D Depth Sensing with Kinect
Stay tuned for updates!